Modern Storytelling: What Authors and Creators Now Use to Share Narratives in the Digital World

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These days, you can easily earn money when you have good story-telling skills. Gone are the days when your only choice in sharing your creative works are through books, newspapers, magazines, TV series, and movies. Now, one can use different media and technology to share their ideas, opinion, creative works, real stories, and experiences, and even fiction.

Storytelling can achieve many purposes. Some share stories for informational purposes. They aim to educate people about their certain beliefs, to share their own experiences, and give audiences an idea about a world they have never been before.

Others tell stories for educational purposes. These teach us valuable lessons, ethics, and even cultural norms. These exist to help us reflect on whatever learning we get to enjoy from their stories.

There are also creators who tell stories for entertainment purposes. These are the type of content that aims to teach empathy and allows us to use our imagination and put ourselves in the shoes of the characters.  Fiction or not, we can learn many things thanks to the creative minds willing to write pages after pages for our enjoyment.

Authors and creators now use different media as well as technology to show off their works. Some of the most popular ones these days are as follows:


Books are still popular and relevant despite the existence of blogs, eBooks, online magazines, etc. Many like the idea of owning and reading a tangible source of information. This is why authors, especially aspiring writers, still dream of getting their stories published one day.

Thankfully, one no longer needs to be alone in self-publishing their books thanks to printing services offered online and offline. You can now select your publishing team,  get an accurate quote, and start the publication process. You can even find a company to do this here or abroad.


For remote authors and content creators, they love the idea of sharing their stories instantly. They do this by publishing their works on their blogs. They can also monetize their blog using different methods.

Blogs also allow writers to cover virtually any topics of their liking. They can work with other site owners by promoting and reviewing their products. Others work with advertisers and get paid per ad network or per impression.

writing a blog


Videos are popular in social media, most especially in video sharing platforms like YouTube. YouTube content creators are also known as YouTube celebrities or YouTube personalities. They use the platform to explore perspectives, elicit reactions and feelings from their viewers.

They cover topics from anything under the sun, ranging from entertainment to politics. Even businesses now make use of the video streaming app to ensure their storytelling is successful in marketing their brand. If you are a good storyteller on YouTube, you can gain lots of followers and garner views needed to monetize your channel.

Another form of video that everyone now gets to enjoy is music videos. Artists and songwriters express themselves through music. They are giving viewers quite a show using their music videos.

Social Media

These days, anyone can be a storyteller if they want to use social media. Many use this platform to voice out their opinions, talk about sensitive topics, and even raise awareness on societal problems. Social media now does more than just allow people to connect and interact.

People post written words, share videos, or show off images that tell the kinds of stories they wish to spread. Since most people now have their own social media account, businesses took this as an opportunity to share the story of their brand. They now engage with customers to learn more about their needs, expectations, and build their own community.

Virtual Reality (VR)

One of the latest innovations that creators use to tell stories is through virtual reality. This immersive art enables one to experience a virtual environment and respond to events they encounter. The great thing about VR is that the visitor is the main focus on the experience.

Schools now use VR to allow students to learn how to convey and understand human stories on a much deeper level. In real estate, agents and sellers use VR to take buyers on a virtual tour of properties they are selling. Even video game creators are using VRs to give gamers a whole new experience.

Creators and authors use other media and tech like TV shows, 2D and 3D movies, and eBooks, to showcase engaging stories both online and offline. This goes to show that as tech and innovations change, so does our way of telling and sharing stories. We no longer limit ourselves to printed reading materials and moving images. Narratives are now in varying forms, making them more fun and engaging to our target audiences.


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